FCC Station Authorization (aka Station License)

Obtaining a New Authorization:

MRI recommends using our services in acquiring a new Radio Station Authorization.  The process can be tricky and is not user friendly.  If you are unfamiliar with the process, coding and requirements, it is more likely you will apply for the incorrect authorization than get it right.  The FCC can also be a bear when it comes to refunding.

 At a minimum, we recommend you give us a call and let’s talk about your circumstance….

  1. Have a credit card handy… FCC application fee is approx. $220

  2. Applying for a NEW authorization is best done online at www.FCC.gov 

  3. If you are a first time user, go to New User Registration and follow the steps, otherwise skip to Step 3.  This is how you establish an account with the FCC,

  4. Scroll down to File Online… Then login with your FRN and password and follow the steps.

 As already explained, We HIGHLY recommend using our service

 Obtaining a Renewal Authorization:

A renewal can only be obtained on an authorization THAT HAS NOT EXPIRED (See below).  As with a New authorization, MRI recommends using our service, but the process is a bit more simplified.

  1.  Have a credit card handy… FCC renewal fee is approx. $220

  2. Go online to www.FCC.gov , find File Online, Click and Login. 

  3. When on your account, on the left, Click on My Licenses

  4. When your licenses appear, select the proper call sign and click on the Renew button on the right…. Follow the steps.

 Expired Licenses:

If a renewal HAS NOT been applied for prior the license expiration date, the license has expired.  When a license has EXPIRED, there is no way to renew it anymore and a New license application must be submitted for a new Call Sign to be issued.  

In order to retain your MMSI #, and avoid having to send your radio equipment back to the manufacturer to be wiped clean, one must CANCEL the expired license first.  This will “free” your MMSI # so it may be reclaimed again on the new application.

After the cancellation has been achieved (it may take up to 24hrs to happen), then reapply as you would for a NEW license.